Monday, December 1, 2008


Look, there's just way to much going on here at The Western™ for a monthly magazine. So in response to more than 4 million queries by our fans, we've decided to create a blog. This will allow us to keep tabs on the goings-on at The Western™ much more efficiently.

The main contributors to this blog are an anonymous mix of students, faculty, and staff. If you'd like to become a regular "main section" contributor, just get a gmail account and send us a note. We'll sign you on.

However, our fair readers also have the option of commenting either with a username or anonymously--but it's up to you to make sure you post anonymously if you want to. Please remember, this is a space for poking fun at anything that anyone takes seriously. But profanity (not necessarily vulgarity) will get you banned. As will being a tool.

Have fun.

Tool Eds.


  1. I think this is wonderful, particularly on the eve of Brit Spears' birthday. I was afraid all that stupid news about Mumbai would interupt the GMA coverage of Brit's birthday celebration. Is this a great country or what.....abuse substances, abandon your children, run around with other spoiled girls who forgot their panties, and then make a come back when America really needed a boost. I think the high moral values espoused by GMA staff should be a model for us all.....I think Brit should be a model for WKU, and I think the Big Red Tool is just the vehicle to expedite that process. Who cares if we leave Gen Ed without a seatbelt while we run around town; we need more artwork and a better stadium!!!! WWBD?

  2. How insensitive and entitled; this is just the kind of response I would expect from someone that is not like me.

  3. So how is The Western™ supposed to shave.. "down there".. to flash the paparazzi with?
